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How to Measure the ROI of Your Sales Training
Sales Training

4 Ways to Measure the ROI of Your Sales Training [Guest Post]

Guest Post by Rochelle Ceira Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of an investment is an essential part of running a business. Since sales are what keep a business running, the return on investment (or ROI) of your sales training is a valuable tool for assessing the company’s performance. ROI measurement is a bit tricky but very useful to companies who want to make the best of their sales teams. Moreover, choosing a specific training course and the right ROI measurement methods is quite difficult. It is not impossible, though. One should not only start measure sales training  in terms of
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Insider Secrets to Help Your Salespeople Sell Faster
Sales Management

5 Insider Secrets to Help Your New Salespeople Sell Faster

The success of your salespeople is rooted in one major thing: motivation. Without motivation, your hopes and dreams of your sales team achieving sales goals and bringing success to your company will forever remain hopes and dreams, and never transform into reality. But, as you likely already know, motivation is not as simple as it may seem. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, 51% of the workforce in the United States is disengaged from their job. Sure, a brand new salesperson fresh off of training may not be quite as jaded as some senior sales reps, and may
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How to Coach Your Sales Reps to Success
Sales Management

Top 5 Ways to Coach Your Reps to Become Sales Superstars

Being an effective leader is one of the top ways to boost your sales. The better you are at leading your team, the better your team will be. Oftentimes, when your sales are sinking, you can trace it back to the lack of management and poor coaching skills. In order to avoid dealing with sinking sales, it is best to stay on top of coaching your sales reps. However, we recognize that this may not be as easy as it sounds. In fact, the daunting task of coaching your sales team is what has led to this staggering fact: according
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Sales Management

How to Help Your Team Break Through Their Top 3 Sales Barriers

As a Sales Manager, you want things to run smoothly for your sales team. Unfortunately, there are several barriers that may get in the way of your salespeople’s success. But as with many challenges, there are ways around (or even through) them if you have a plan of attack. With that in mind, here are three sales barriers you may encounter and how you can lead your team past these obstacles. 3 Common Barriers to Your Sales Team’s Success 1.   The Fear of Being Rejected One of the most common barriers for salespeople (and many other people) is the fear
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Sales Management

5 Inspiring Habits of a Successful Sales Mentor

Is your sales team running at its highest level? If not, it may need a strong, confident sales mentor to kick it into high gear. It is essential that every great sales manager, director or vice president develop a few key habits that will help cultivate growth and success for their team. Let us go over some of those habits and how they can help your sales team flourish. The Habits that Define a Stellar Sales Leader 1.   Waking up early Waking up early is not an easy habit to develop, but it is one thing that many successful leaders
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Sales Management

3 Empowering Techniques to Help Your Sales Team Sell More

Whether you have a sales process in place or you are simply looking for a way to improve your sales team’s performance, there is always room for growth. Many struggling teams use the same sales techniques over and over again and expect different results. But if you really want to break out from a sluggish sales streak, you may want to consider shaking things up. Here are a few ways to accomplish that while empowering your sales team to sell more. 3 Ways to Increase Your Team’s Sales 1.   Warm Calling Though it may be effective under certain conditions, cold
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