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How to Manage an Underperforming Sales Team

Are you a sales director who is frustrated by your team’s lackluster sales performance? Are you looking to help them improve but unsure of which actions you should take? If so, you are not alone. Even the most seasoned and experienced sales directors experience this problem at some point in their career. What is most important is that you immediately find a solution that helps your salespeople close more sales. That way, your job will be easier and the company will become more profitable. Ready to know how you can improve your team’s results? Keep reading, and you will discover
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How to Get Your Sales Team to Sell More

As a Sales Director, you have a tough job at times. Not only are you responsible for crafting sales plans and supervising sales managers – in many ways, you are responsible for the success of the sales department as a whole. And, if you notice that your sales team is not selling as much as they should be, that can be frustrating. The good news is that you do not have to settle for lackluster sales results. In fact, with a few simple changes to your sales department, you may find your current sales team selling more than ever before.
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Why Your Sales Team Cannot Close Deals

Did you know that failing to close deals is not often a problem itself but, instead, a symptom of a bigger problem? It is true – if your salespeople cannot close sales, it is likely the result of a flaw in some aspect of their sales process or within the person. That is why, as the sales manager, you must quickly identify the salespeople on your team who are struggling and why. This way, you can invest resources into the right people who can improve and increase your team’s overall performance and sales. Keep reading to discover why some of
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The Sales Manager’s Guide to Motivating a Sales Team

If you have ever worked as a salesperson, you know firsthand how demanding the job is. You are constantly under pressure to achieve top sales results, and you cannot afford to slack off at work and miss out on commission. That is why it is so important for sales managers to motivate their salespeople and help them stay focused. If you are not currently taking steps to motivate your team, they could end up with poor morale and decreased sales as a result. Unsure of the best ways to motivate your salespeople? Keep reading to discover 6 strategies you can
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The Sales Manager’s Guide to Building a Strong Sales Team

Building a strong sales team is not solely about making wise hiring decisions – it is also about learning how to coach your current salespeople in a way that helps them achieve better results. As the sales manager, it is your job to do both. Otherwise, you could end up with a team of salespeople who are unmotivated and, therefore, incapable of selling to your standards. Ready to learn how to build a strong sales team? Keep reading to discover the steps you can take to build a team of salespeople who consistently achieve impressive sales results. How to Build
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Sales Management

The Sales Manager’s Guide to Helping a Struggling Sales Rep

A low-performing salesperson can easily be one of the reasons your sales are stagnant. Not only because of his or her results, but also because of the way he can affect the morale and attitude of your other salespeople. So, if you have noticed that one (or more) of your salespeople is struggling to sell, you may feel frustrated and upset that your team’s collective results are being affected. Beyond just managing salespeople, it is difficult to know how to handle a struggling salesperson in a way that helps him sell more. Fortunately, we have put together a list of
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