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Staffing & Recruiting

Brian Hunt, CEO

Kore1 Technologies “I absolutely love this product! We have hired so many salespeople who would sell themselves in an interview but never lived up to expectations. SalesDrive has really helped us understand both who we have and who we need.” Brian Hunt, CEO was last modified: January 25th, 2023 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Staffing & Recruiting

Robert Beck, Managing Partner

Hahlbrock Digital Personalberatung GmbH “When it comes to sales reps, the most important success factor is their personality. SalesDrive helps us look beneath the surface to evaluate if the candidate has the necessary ‘sales DNA’.” Robert Beck, Managing Partner was last modified: January 25th, 2023 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Staffing & Recruiting

Jeremy Tiffin, President & Managing Partner

Horizon Recruitment “Recruiting for any role in a growing company can be a significant challenge but recruiting salespeople is likely the most challenging. SalesDrive and Dr. Chris Croner provide a level of insight and partnership that I haven’t seen matched elsewhere. Not only is the tool excellent so is the partnership and advisory you get when you work with SalesDrive. We began working with the tool at the beginning of 2017 and really value the insight, structure and 3rd party unbiased information we’re able to obtain. We have definitely been able to improve our overall hiring process by working with
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Staffing & Recruiting

Bruce Hohensee, President

Talent Driven Consulting “Using the SalesDrive assessment has given us good insight on the natural strengths of our sales and business development candidates. The correlation between the assessments and the abilities of the candidates has been strong.” Bruce Hohensee, President was last modified: January 25th, 2023 by SalesDrive, LLC
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