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6 Reasons Why So Many Bad Salespeople Get Hired

Every company tries its best to recruit, interview and vet salespeople before hiring them. But way too many bad salespeople still get through, jump on the payroll and do not produce. As Seinfeld might say, “What’s up with that?” It is all too common to hire bad salespeople. Unfortunately, this is more than just a hassle. The time spent training and working with incompetent salespeople costs your company money. Bad salespeople can also tank the productivity of others, and the good members of your team may have to teach these bad salespeople how to perform better. Since many of these bad
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Drive is Not the Same as Obnoxious

Drive is a critical component of a successful salesperson’s personality mix. Drive is what internally pushes her to succeed. Drive is what causes her to love to compete. Drive is an internal element that generates innate optimism in a profession in which rejection is part of the program.And Drive cannot be taught  . . . despite what motivational speakers would like you to believe. Salespeople need to start out with Drive, and then training can really have an impact. Drive is Not the Same as Obnoxious was last modified: October 16th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Can a Candidate’s Mood Lower Scores on a Sales Recruitment Assessment?

Hiring managers occasionally wonder whether a sales candidate’s mood can substantially affect his or her scores on a sales assessment test. These questions can arise when a candidate reports recent frustrations at work or other challenging circumstances and scores low on traits such as Need for Achievement or Optimism. The key here is to remember that we are measuring traits rather than states. A state is a more temporary mood or condition (such as temporary anxiety or sadness). A trait is a stable underlying characteristic or quality (such as Need for Achievement).  So, although it can be appealing to attribute
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My Candidate’s Sales Personality Test Score was Lower than Expected . . . Should I Re-Test Him?

Despite our initial screening efforts, sales candidates occasionally score lower on the online sales test than expected on measures of Drive. For example, candidates with a history of success at a large company may have relied on its brand recognition and collateral materials. Similarly, some candidates are strong interviewees, and can look great on paper and interview well over the phone, but they may not have the internal motivation we need in a “hunter” salesperson. Nonetheless, when we are disappointed by a candidate’s test score, it can be very tempting to re-test the candidate, thinking that perhaps the first result simply
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Salespeople Who CAN Sell vs. Those Who WILL Sell

It’s a million dollar difference. There are many salespeople who can sell. They have the intelligence, the wits and the charisma. But there are far, far less salespeople who will sell, in a sustained way, over time. The difference? Drive. Salespeople Who CAN Sell vs. Those Who WILL Sell was last modified: September 18th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Why is Optimism so Important to Sustained Sales Success and Why Can’t it be Taught?

Optimism is critical to sustained sales success for two reasons: Most sales calls are rejected. Rejection, when personalized, can lead to depression and diminished performance. Salespeople who are high in innate optimism do not personalize rejection. Like strikeouts in baseball or missed shots in basketball, they see it as part of the game and do not expect to get a hit every time. In other words their optimism protects them and allows them to put their job in a healthy perspective. Knowing that sales is a numbers game that includes both hits and misses, optimists see a miss as simply getting
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