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[Infographic] Hiring Salespeople? Great Interview Question to Ask!

When interviewing and hiring salespeople, there is one question we love to use that provides us with a great opportunity to get a real time sense of the candidate’s deeper motivations and values. Check out the infographic below for the interview question as well as the kinds of responses we typically hear and how to interpret them. [Infographic] Hiring Salespeople? Great Interview Question to Ask! was last modified: July 24th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Is Sales Training a Waste If a Salesperson Is Not High in Drive?

We know successful salespeople must be high in Drive. We know Drive cannot be taught. It is an innate personality characteristic. So is sales training wasted if a salesperson is not high in Drive? The short answer is yes, but with some nuance. It depends on what the goal is. Is Sales Training a Waste If a Salesperson Is Not High in Drive? was last modified: July 10th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Mentoring – The Ultimate Salesperson Accelerator

Finding great talent is only the beginning of the process when you want to improve your sales team. Have you noticed a difference between pre-hire expectations and actual sales performance? Are you sick of having to deal with high turnover rates and poorly qualified salespeople who underperform and leave you feeling overworked? Sales should be a fun and exciting career, not a constant battle. If you are ready to start making lasting changes in your sales team, mentoring is an effective way to improve your team’s performance and start in a new direction. The sales industry is changing every day.
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The Sales Manager Factor | How Sales Performance Can Be Affected

While most sub-par sales performance is blamed on salespeople as a reflex, it is important for companies to closely monitor the relationships between their salespeople and sales managers.  It is not uncommon for potentially productive salespeople to be stifled by inexperienced or incompetent sales managers who are protected by their superiors at the salespeople’s expense. The Sales Manager Factor | How Sales Performance Can Be Affected was last modified: May 29th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Sales Training

[Infographic] 5 Biggest Sales Hiring Mistakes That Cost Companies Millions!

Hiring high aptitude and high performance salespeople is really hard, but hiring managers don’t make it any easier on themselves by often making the following sales hiring mistakes. Let’s take a look… Text Version: Hiring high aptitude and high performance salespeople is really hard, but there are some common sales hiring mistakes that make it even harder. Avoid these mistakes and start hiring better salespeople. Lack of Testing: Managers do not use online sales assessments to vet for the core aptitude that research shows is common to almost all sales producers. No Behavioral Interview: They do not use a thorough behavioral
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[Infographic] Why Is Hiring Salespeople So Hard?

Finding and hiring great salespeople, who will work for you and make you money, is very difficult. But why? Let’s take a look at the infographic below to find out. [Infographic] Why Is Hiring Salespeople So Hard? was last modified: April 29th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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