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The Most Important Sales Skill

The most important sales skill, which can be developed through sensitivity and training, is the ability to listen. Sounds easy, but a study conducted in the financial services industry found that in a typical sales call, the salesperson spoke a whopping 80% of the time. Why?  Salespeople get pumped up, nervous and they want to make sure to get all the material covered. Trouble is, 80% is not collaboration . . . it’s domination . . . and customers do not like it. A well-trained listener can also pick up subtle emotional signals and buying is all about emotions. There is
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3 Life Lessons Applied to Hiring Salespeople

As in any field of endeavor, we can often raise our game as hiring managers by practicing the rules we have learned in other areas of life. Here are three key life lessons as applied to the challenging, but rewarding, discipline of hiring high-potential salespeople. 3 Life Lessons Applied to Hiring Salespeople was last modified: February 6th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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2 Sales Hiring Tools Every Sales Manager Needs

Drive manifests itself in many different ways. Some highly Driven people have big personalities and are virtually bursting out of their skin with energy and ideas. But high levels of Drive can also be found in quieter people who are less assuming, who have underneath a burning Need for Achievement and are ferociously Competitive. Hiring new personalities can be incredibly stressful. We all know that many salespeople will try to work a fake swagger – those salespeople that will look for a job but are not looking to actually work hard. How can you weed those all talk, low-Drive candidates
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How Can I Get The Truth About My Candidate?

One of the most important tasks facing interviewers is the need to probe candidate responses effectively. The candidate across the table is wearing a filter designed to make him seem as desirable as possible. Of course, our job is to penetrate that filter. To do so, we need to probe deeper into the candidate’s responses to our initial questions. For example, consider this exchange: INTERVIEWER: “Tell me about a situation you have faced that required strong organizational skills.” CANDIDATE: “Oh, just last week, we had a presentation to a big prospect . . . there was a lot of preparation
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Drive: The Most Important Innate Characteristic in Salespeople, But, Easy to Fake in a Job Interview

Tips for Getting to the Truth in Interviews Drive is composed of three non-teachable—after adulthood—characteristics: Need for Achievement, Competitiveness and Optimism. These traits, when combined, allow a salesperson to sustain high performance over time in an environment of extreme competition and rejection . . . things that eventually grind down non-Driven salespeople.  Drive: The Most Important Innate Characteristic in Salespeople, But, Easy to Fake in a Job Interview was last modified: November 21st, 2013 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Can My Candidate Handle Difficult Customers?

Relationship skills are critical for high-performing salespeople, whether they are in account acquisition or account maintenance roles.  Many companies look for candidates who can start producing very quickly.  Whether they are cold calling a new account or managing a demanding current client, the best salespeople are skilled at making emotional connections that last a lifetime.  One of the most important aspects of doing so is dealing with difficult customers.  To gauge a candidate’s ability to do so, we can ask one key question . . . Can My Candidate Handle Difficult Customers? was last modified: October 31st, 2013 by SalesDrive,
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