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KPIs Keep Tabs of The Performance Of Your Sales Team
Sales Management

7 KPIs To Keep Tabs On The Performance Of Your Sales Team [Guest Post]

The importance of an efficient sales team should be evident whether the company deals in distribution or wholesale. This is because the sales team is what links the products to the customers. The clients could be separate individuals or whole other companies. Whatever the case, their purchases are directly related to the sales team performance. Hence, any company worthy of flourishing should carefully measure their sales team’s performance using KPIs and metrics. The following are some useful key sales metrics one could use to gauge where their sales team needs improvement. This could help a business expand better and smoothen
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Improve Your Sales Team Productivity
Sales Management

Productivity Hacks for Your Sales Team [Guest Post]

All of us experience it at some point or the other – that hour in the day where you are sitting at your desk and have lost all focus. You pick up your phone and check social media, reply to some text messages and surf your favorite websites. You have a long list of tasks to get done but you just can’t focus on them. There are different reasons for productivity to suffer, from being distracted due to issues at home, to not feeling fit enough to work. We have jotted down a few hacks for you to improve your productivity,
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Sales Strategies

Is Your Sales Team Equipped With the Right Knowledge?

Did you know that 40% of salespeople cannot understand a customer’s pain? When a customer comes with a problem, sales reps panic and end up giving the first option that comes to their mind, which can prove to be a disaster if their solution addresses a problem which the customer did not even have. There are many factors that salespeople do not control but the failure or success of a sales rep is mostly dependent on the level of preparedness and constant adaptation to the dynamic sales environment. Being the Founder/Head of Sales of the organization, one question you need
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Sales Management

How to Help Your Team Break Through Their Top 3 Sales Barriers

As a Sales Manager, you want things to run smoothly for your sales team. Unfortunately, there are several barriers that may get in the way of your salespeople’s success. But as with many challenges, there are ways around (or even through) them if you have a plan of attack. With that in mind, here are three sales barriers you may encounter and how you can lead your team past these obstacles. 3 Common Barriers to Your Sales Team’s Success 1.   The Fear of Being Rejected One of the most common barriers for salespeople (and many other people) is the fear
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Sales Management

4 Frequent Struggles For Sales Teams and How to Fix Them

Is your sales team dealing with poor sales performance? If so, then you are probably scrambling for answers on how to overcome obstacles that are dragging your team’s productivity down. But what is the first step in trying to solve the age-old problem of struggling sales reps? The first thing you must do is find the root of your team’s struggles. 4 Common Sales Team Struggles 1.   Poor Sales Planning Paul Meyer, founder of Success Motivation Institute, once said, “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” With
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hacks to boost performance
Sales Management

4 Sales Performance-Enhancing Hacks to Boost Your Business

With how fast the sales world is moving, sales performance hacks are more necessary than ever before. There are always new competitors popping up as well as new products similar to your own that are being marketed differently. And that is why it is so important to find and utilize any advantages that will help your team save time and become more efficient at their daily tasks. So to help your sales team continue to improve and evolve, here are 4 performance-enhancing hacks. Our Top Sales Performance Hacks 1.   Chew gum Sure, chewing gum is great for keeping your breath
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