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Boost Your Sales Team’s Performance by First Understanding Their Challenges

“Sales success comes after you stretch yourself past your limits on a daily basis” – Omar Periu As a sales manager, you probably focus on giving your team the right amount of push to get them to aim for, and achieve, increasingly high sales goals. However, if your team’s performance is not getting better after your attempts to motivate them, there may be a more serious underlying issue. Understanding your sales team’s challenges, and knowing how to address them, will help boosting your team’s overall performance. How to Identify the Problem Perhaps more than other professional industries, having a skilled
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Sales Management

5 Sales Planning Tools to Boost Productivity

According to Harvard Business Review, the time that sales reps spend on non-sales (admin) work is up 21%, and this has come at the expense of actual selling time in front of the customer, which is down a full 26%. As a sales manager, you probably find these statistics concerning. Imagine how many more deals your sales team could close if they spent more of their time selling and less of it on non-sales activities. It could make all the difference in your department’s results. But what can a sales manager do to cut down on time spent on non-sales
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Why Good Salespeople Hate Cold Calling

There seems to be no such thing as a salesperson that loves cold calling. Selling to strangers over the phone requires salespeople to go against their basic human instinct to avoid social rejection (again and again). And no one is as ruthless at doling out “no’s” as that faceless receptionist who is fed up with sales calls. At best, cold calling is a necessary evil in the eyes of salespeople and at worst it is a waste of time, money and effort. Still, cold calling remains a pillar of sales prospecting methodology and as a sales manager; you would probably
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Sales Strategies

10 Secrets of Top Sales Performers

The sales industry has long been fascinated with the difference between salespeople who just “get by” and sales stars who seem to succeed effortlessly, at two or three times the rate of the average employee. What makes sales stars different from their mediocre coworkers? Research shows that unique personality traits combined with a perceptive sales approach are what set top performers apart. Here are the top sales secrets that make high performers so much more successful than the rest. 1. See everything from the customer’s perspective. Most salespeople have probably spent some time imagining what potential customers want from a
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Sales Strategies

Are Your Sales Sustainable?

Does your company have trouble hanging on to customers? There are many reasons a client might disengage with your company, many of which may be out of your control. Competition may be stiff, the economy can cause clients to tighten their belts, and sometimes customers simply outgrow your services. Some customers are even worth ditching if it costs more to keep them happy than they pay in billings. But before you dismiss customer losses as typical, take a look at your company’s methods. Ambitious sales goals can be great for motivating your sales team, but unnaturally fast growth can set
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Sales Management

Does Your Sales Team Need More Structure?

According to a survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review earlier this year, there are five things that set top-performing sales teams apart from average and low-performing sales teams. Of those five things, the two that are most actionable are that high performing sales teams tend to “employ a more structured sales process” and “hold their team members to a higher level of accountability.” As a manager of a sales team, a well-structured process can help you set and meet sales planning objectives more consistently, identify problems within your team, motivate your salespeople to achieve greater success and hold them
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