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Sales Management

Should You Promote Your Top Salesperson?

Dave broke through every career obstacle. His sales are higher than 35% of his peers. He routinely trains new employees. So, Dave should be promoted, right? Perhaps, but maybe it is not that simple. Think back to when you first started as a sales manager. Do you remember the transition? Chances are it was not entirely smooth, and you know now that the skills required to land a sales position differ greatly from running a team of people with their own (often very strong) opinions. Rather than a desire to lead, quite often the top Driving factors for individuals considering
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sales team plateau
Sales Management

Is My Sales Team Experiencing a Plateau or a Speed Bump?

The answer depends on how you handle your current sales slump. A sales plateau generally occurs after a rapid increase of sales. After that invigorating climb, you find yourself looking at a flat wasteland. How you get out – climbing back down or finding a hidden way up – depends on both your management style and your sales team. Sales plateaus are so common that industry researchers devote time to studying them. There has been a lot written on what causes plateaus and some on even how to push past them, but not all of this information can be applied
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magnetic attracting business people
Sales Interviewing & Hiring

9 Ways Employers Can Use Incentives to Attract Top Salespeople

Have you made job offers to highly qualified sales candidates, only to hear that they took a job with another employer? What does the other company have that yours does not? How can you turn the tables and become the employer of choice? Exhibiting a strong, positive company identity is essential to attracting those high-Drive candidates. Providing competitive incentives is one of the top ways companies can separate themselves from the competition. As part of a comprehensive recruiting strategy that focuses on establishing a meaningful employer brand, incentives can greatly increase the number of qualified salespeople that will seek employment
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7 Reasons Your Best Employees Leave

Why Your Sales Team Turnover Rate is so High Employee turnover can be very damaging for employers. Companies hire in order to fill a void, but when a candidate fails to fulfill the job’s duties, that void still exists. The slack is then picked up by other employees who become overworked. The resources invested in that employee are a net loss for the company, as is the pay, possible 401k contributions, and other benefits. Why is salesperson turnover so high? The issue could stem from any number of reasons, and maybe your salespeople are good workers, but they leave for
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Can Introverts Sell?

What do you imagine when you think of the word “introvert”? Did you picture a salesman? Most imagine a wallflower, someone who speaks when spoken to, possibly avoiding eye contact with a gaze fixed upon the ground. Yet introverts flourish in sales all the time. The key is to understand that being introverted is not the same as being shy. It is similar to the well-known square/rectangle classification: shy people may be introverts, but introverts are not necessarily shy. Just take a look at the difference between the traits of each. Can Introverts Sell? was last modified: January 20th, 2015
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Maximizing Your Sales Team’s Performance

7 Tips to Improve Sales Productivity The backbone to any successful company starts at the base with its salespeople. Hiring the right people for the job is a huge part of ensuring the sales team is doing its best, but there is more to it than that. It is really about the communication between management and team members, as well as the upkeep of the team’s mentality that really helps your sales team flourish. By actively working on a holistic approach to management, your sales team’s performance is sure to really take off. So, how do you maximize the potential
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