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Outsourced Sales Management
Sales Management

Can Outsourced Sales Management Work for Your Company?

Outsourcing sales management is a viable option for many companies. Some executives are still hesitant to give it a try, but more and more are seeing that outsourcing sales management can be beneficial to their company. What exactly is involved with outsourcing sales management? How much does it cost? What do you need to consider before making the switch? Let us take a closer look at these questions and more below! Outsourced Sales Management As a Growth Strategy Outsourced sales management is when a company hires a single person or team to manage its sales. The end goal is to
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Business people cheering with hands together
Sales Management

How to Retain the Top Sales Talent on Your Team

Did you know that on average, 8% of salespeople are responsible for 80% of the sales at your company? Obviously, those salespeople are your top performers – the ones who consistently generate the most revenue and help the business thrive. Since top performers can be difficult to find and hire, it is easy to understand how losing even one of them from your sales team could have a significant effect on your sales department and the company as a whole. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to keep your top performers around. Check out the following list of
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Sales Team Incentives - Cash
Sales Management

The Best Sales Incentives to Motivate Salespeople

To optimize profits within your organization, you need to keep your sales team motivated to keep closing new business deals. Competent sales managers understand that continually using the same incentives to rally the troops doesn’t work in the long run. Sales reps are often dynamic individuals in need of new challenges to pursue. The best managers are continually figuring out how to motivate sales teams. Offering a robust commission plan will keep your reps happy and productive, but what happens when they hit a comfortable stride?  The allure of special sales incentives programs keeps reps hungry and excited about coming
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Sales Management

Open-Ended Questions Sales Reps Should Ask Customers to Improve Sales

As someone in sales management, you know that a salesperson must ask effective, open-ended questions when talking to a customer. It is the only way they can get the customer talking and uncover the information necessary to close the sale. However, if your salespeople ask the wrong open-ended questions, they may end up wasting time and failing to gain any insight. This can be one of the top reasons why your sales team is not successful. So what questions can your salespeople ask their customers to improve sales? Keep reading and you will learn 8 questions your salespeople can ask that
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Intent young recruiter remotely identifying and hiring top female candidate with assistance of artificial intelligence. HR concept for cyber sourcing via social network, skill assessment, HR, rating.
Sales Interviewing & Hiring

How to Attract and Retain Top Sales Talent

When looking to hire top sales talent, you need to be looking for Drive. But keep in mind many highly-skilled salespeople are looking to be a part of a talented sales team as well. To improve your sales team, you not only need strong individuals, but people who can work together to bring your company’s sales to the next level. Once you have identified incoming candidates who can really make a difference, do you know how to attract them effectively? The Search Is Only Half the Battle Recruiting is not a seasonal job. Many sales managers understand that to get
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Sales Manager Facing Challenges
Sales Management

The Biggest Challenges of First-Time Sales Managers & How to Overcome Them

Congratulations, you are now a Sales Manager! It is now time to cultivate the necessary skills to lead a sales team of your own. As a first-time Sales Manager, you will likely experience a steep learning curve. Do you sometimes feel as though you are expected to already know the ins and outs of this new role?  Does it seem like you are working harder than ever, without seeing results?  If so, you are not alone. Keep reading to learn about the top five challenges of first-time sales managers, and how to overcome them to lead your team more effectively—starting
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