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Hunters VS Farmers: Why You Need Both on Your Sales Team

Are you experiencing slow sales growth, or are you witnessing a dramatic decline of new clients? If so, then you may have your sales team stacked with only one type of sales representative. Building the right sales team can be tough. You need salespeople who can hook new clients and recognize potential leads, but you also need sales representatives that know how to transform a new client into a repeat buyer. There are two kinds of successful salespeople: Hunters and Farmers. Both are needed to grow and maintain sales. If you’re only hiring one of these, then you need to
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5 Kinds of Salespeople to Avoid Hiring

How to Identify These Sales Reps Prior to Hiring There are some that argue anyone can sell. If this is true, then why are there so many sales managers frustrated with teams that do not deliver results? There are those that can sell, and then there are those that will sell. So how can sales managers tell the difference between them? And more importantly, how can you keep these bad salespeople out of your company? 5 Kinds of Salespeople to Avoid Hiring was last modified: April 7th, 2015 by SalesDrive, LLC
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How Your Interview Room Changes the Interview

How to Use Design, Layout and Location to Get the Most Out of Your Sales Interviewees Think about the space you use most in your interviews. Is it in your office? The conference room? A coffee shop? Did you pick this space with specific intentions, or was it just the most convenient for the appointment time? Did you know that the space you choose may actually impact the outcome of your interview? The design and atmosphere of an interview room can either set candidates at ease or put them on guard. How Your Interview Room Changes the Interview was last
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How Sales Training Exercises Can Be Used in the Interview Process

Sales is a hands-on job. Some candidates may not seem to be the most clever or extroverted, but put them on the sales floor and an hour before lunch they have met their daily quota. Identifying those high-producing individuals is difficult. Failing to do so can lead to excessive turnover rates and decreased team morale, not to mention a substantial financial loss with every bad hire. So how do you ensure that your sales candidates hit the mark every time? How Sales Training Exercises Can Be Used in the Interview Process was last modified: March 17th, 2015 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Sales Interviewing & Hiring

9 Ways Employers Can Use Incentives to Attract Top Salespeople

Have you made job offers to highly qualified sales candidates, only to hear that they took a job with another employer? What does the other company have that yours does not? How can you turn the tables and become the employer of choice? Exhibiting a strong, positive company identity is essential to attracting those high-Drive candidates. Providing competitive incentives is one of the top ways companies can separate themselves from the competition. As part of a comprehensive recruiting strategy that focuses on establishing a meaningful employer brand, incentives can greatly increase the number of qualified salespeople that will seek employment
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