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What Drive Is and Why You Need a Sales Personality Test to Assess It
Sales Assessments

What is Drive and Why You Need a Sales Personality Test to Assess It

Whether you want to hire new salespeople for your company, or want to improve your current sales team, one of the most important things you can do as a sales manager is determine what it is you are looking for in your ideal salesperson. There are a number of qualities that a promising sales rep should have. From the ability to listen, to organization skills and so much more, but being a superstar salesperson takes a certain type of personality. So, how do you know if you have found the right person? Focus your attention on searching for a candidate
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Administer the DriveTest Sales Assessment Today
Sales Assessments

How to Choose the Best Sales Assessment for Your Company

If you find yourself at the end of another sales quarter and sales have not been growing as expected, you might be asking yourself a few questions. After you rule out any external factors that could have been contributing to the slow growth, the next assumption is the cause must be coming from within your company. Is it your sales team? It may be that even though all your sales reps performed well during the interview process, their numbers out in the field are rotten. So, how do you make sure that you do not find yourself in the same
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Salesperson Superpower
Sales Assessments

Grit and the Successful Salesperson

Does it seem like your team is continually churning through salespeople? Do you notice that candidates seem great when they first get on the floor, but after a few days or weeks, their performance starts to fall flat? It seems as though they begin losing confidence and can’t handle hearing no as an answer. In the world of sales, this cycle is constantly repeating itself. It’s almost impossible to rely on traditional recruitment and training methods to find and keep quality salespeople. The individuals who turn out to be bad salespeople may have been confident and goal-oriented candidates. In fact,
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businesspeople running towards finish line
Sales Assessments

Do Athletes Make Good Salespeople?

A number of companies and hiring managers love to hire former college athletes. Their logic is based on the assumption that anyone who has the work ethic and grit to succeed as an athlete at the highest levels will successfully transfer those same attributes into the equally challenging world of sales. The athlete may very well have a great work ethic and is probably also very competitive, which is good to see when identifying and selecting high-potential sales candidates. Although competitiveness is a critical element of Drive, a background as a successful athlete does not necessarily translate directly to success
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Evaluating Sales Reps team meeting
Sales Assessments

Top 7 Metrics to Evaluate Sales Reps’ Performance

As an effective sales manager, you are probably always on the lookout for ways to improve your sales team. But how can you tell whether the improvements are working?  What are the best ways to evaluate sales reps? These days, “data overload” is a very real risk. We have so many tools at our fingertips to help us measure just about everything — so that is what we do.  The result can sometimes be an overwhelming jumble of metrics and reports that even experienced sales managers are not sure how to utilize. How can you effectively cut through all the
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Sales Performance Coaching for large team
Sales Assessments

Is Your Sales Performance Coaching Making A Difference?

What makes sales performance coaching truly successful? How can you assess sales performance coaching techniques? If you sometimes feel there are no clear answers to these questions, you are not alone. After all, not many universities offer degrees specifically in on-the-ground selling techniques. This is because true sales talent is innate and cultivated through on-the-job experience, along with effective sales performance coaching. Unfortunately, most Sales Managers believe that reporting numbers to senior leadership is their top priority. To what extent does this type of data make any difference in sales reps reaching their goals? Almost none. To be an effective
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