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Sales Management

4 Frequent Struggles For Sales Teams and How to Fix Them

Is your sales team dealing with poor sales performance? If so, then you are probably scrambling for answers on how to overcome obstacles that are dragging your team’s productivity down. But what is the first step in trying to solve the age-old problem of struggling sales reps? The first thing you must do is find the root of your team’s struggles. 4 Common Sales Team Struggles 1.   Poor Sales Planning Paul Meyer, founder of Success Motivation Institute, once said, “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” With
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Sales Management

4 Ways to Inspire Your Team To Sell, Sell, Sell!

Is your sales team performing at its full potential? If not, helping them get there may simply be a matter of keeping your team inspired and feeling engaged with your company. Whether you are a sales manager, director or VP, you have the ability to motivate your sales reps to focus on their goals and improve their overall productivity. With that in mind, let us discuss a few ways you can improve your team’s sales performance. How to Incite Your Team’s Sales 1.   Create an environment based on trust Interactions between a manager and an employee can sometimes be tense
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salespeople sleeping through training
Sales Training

4 Unexpected Reasons Your Sales Training is Putting Your Salespeople to Sleep

Having a well-trained sales team is integral to the success of your company, and thus should be a major focus of your work. Unfortunately, sometimes your efforts are not fruitful and you find your sales team not reaching their full potential. If you have noticed a dip in your team’s performance lately, it could be because your sales training is ineffective or even…downright boring. And there is nothing worse than trying to train a group of individuals who do not connect with your training strategies. How You May Be Leading Your Sales Team to Count Sheep Instead of Sales In
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Sales Management

6 Common Pain Points for Salespeople and How to Solve Them

As a sales manager, director or VP, you may occasionally struggle to determine what is stopping your salespeople from meeting your standards. You want your sales team to succeed, but you might be wondering: “Is my team reaching their full potential?” “What is stopping them from being more productive or closing more sales?” With that in mind, let us talk about 6 common pain points for your salespeople, and along the way, we will also discuss tactics and sales training ideas you can use to help them overcome those pain points. Biggest Pain Points for Your Salespeople 1. Spending too
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Ways to Increase Sales Via Sales Training for Employees
Sales Training

5 Ways Sales Training Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

Whether you are a sales manager, a sales director or a sales VP, you are probably familiar with the frustration of an underperforming sales team. You may feel like no matter what you try, you simply cannot help your team achieve better results in a way that takes your business to the next level. If that is the case, it might be time for you to consider implementing more effective sales training techniques. When you put into action the right sales training techniques, you can feel confident that your team will improve their sales results and your business will reap
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sales team losing deals
Sales Management

3 Alarming Reasons Your Sales Team Is Losing Deals and How to Help Them

Your sales team has had its ups and downs, but lately…your salespeople’s performance is slipping. They are not as consistent as they used to be. And as a sales manager, you might be scratching your head and wondering: “Is my team growing complacent?” “Are they losing their competitive edge?” Whatever the case is, you want to lead your team to success, ensure that they feel motivated and you want them to reach their goals. But how can you do that when your team is struggling with closing sales? Well, as we have mentioned before, when a member of your sales
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