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Vital Sales Statistics Everyone Should Know

Vital Sales Statistics That Everyone Should Know [Guest Post]

Guest Post by Reuben Yonatan While a percentage of sales will always be personal, instinctual and individualized, putting your team in the best position to make a sale is all about understanding the numbers, set statistics and the evolving methods available when delivering conversions. GetCRM put together these metrics to help outline some of the key findings in 2017. These are numbers that every salesperson should know in order to lessen the challenges that are inherent in sales and inspire teams to work smarter. It’s Not What You Know As sales concepts evolve the most important truisms stay the same. Adages
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KiteDesk Interviews the Principal of SalesDrive, LLC

KiteDesk, a company who uses “the most accurate Internet research technologies and databases to find and capture the best Leads,” has chosen to highlight SalesDrive, LLC on their blog. As an avid advocate of SalesDrive’s systems, KiteDesk has seen first-hand the success that SalesDrive, LLC brings to companies. Representing SalesDrive, LLC in this interview is Dr. Christopher Croner, the Principal and co-author of “Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again.” Click here to read Dr. Croner’s thoughts and ideas behind SalesDrive, LLC and how it got to be the success it is today. KiteDesk Interviews the Principal of SalesDrive, LLC was last
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Dr. Chris Croner and Startup Therapist Video Interview

Recently, Dr. Chris Croner, author of the book Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again, was interviewed by startup expert, Jeff Hyman from Startup Therapist. In this interview Dr. Croner and Hyman discuss the three essential traits that salespeople must possess in order to be successful in sales. If your startup is planning to hire salespeople, this video is a must watch! Dr. Chris Croner and Startup Therapist Video Interview was last modified: November 19th, 2015 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Problem Solving

Many of our clients, particularly those selling complex services or solutions, have told us they want salespeople who are strong problem solvers, able to quickly grasp a customer’s problem and proactively offer an elegant solution. There are three key elements that contribute to problem solving expertise in salespeople: Problem Solving was last modified: April 24th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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The Pivotal Difference

A simple turn of a phrase sums up the enormous difference between potential and performance in sales. The question is not “CAN he or she sell?”  The question is “WILL he or she sell?” There is a huge difference. Lots of people can sell . . . every now and then. He may bump into a like-minded buyer or muster the energy to chase down a new customer from time to time. And one of those high points might be when he is interviewing for a job with you, and he has really put it all together . . . for a
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SalesDrive Launches Recruiting Initiative!

Over the past few years, dozens of clients and prospects have asked us if we could recommend a recruiting firm that pursues salespeople with the same standards and intensity we prescribe through the DriveTest™.  Today, we are pleased and excited to announce our collaboration with a recruiting team that we feel has the most advanced and highest quality recruiting process we have seen for salespeople. When combined with the DriveTest and Drive Interview filters, this collaboration will provide the best of all worlds for companies that wish to cooperate in the search and recruiting process for salespeople. We realize you
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