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Mentoring – The Ultimate Salesperson Accelerator

Finding great talent is only the beginning of the process when you want to improve your sales team. Have you noticed a difference between pre-hire expectations and actual sales performance? Are you sick of having to deal with high turnover rates and poorly qualified salespeople who underperform and leave you feeling overworked? Sales should be a fun and exciting career, not a constant battle. If you are ready to start making lasting changes in your sales team, mentoring is an effective way to improve your team’s performance and start in a new direction. The sales industry is changing every day.
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Stop Hiring Sales Candidates Who Fail to Deliver

Gerhard Gschwandtner, publisher of “Selling Power Magazine,” recently interviewed Dr. Christopher Croner regarding testing and interviewing sales candidates.  The interview covers a range of topics, including how high-Drive candidates handle the interview, the drawbacks of hiring based on industry experience alone and the importance of optimism in long sales cycles.  The interview was released this week and you can watch it below. Watch Gerhard Gschwandtner’s interview with Dr. Croner here: Stop Hiring Sales Candidates Who Fail to Deliver Selling Power Dr. Christopher Croner, Principal, SalesDrive, LLC Runtime: 5:54 Stop Hiring Sales Candidates Who Fail to Deliver was last modified: June
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Why Sales Personality Test Work
Sales Assessments

Why Personality Testing Works to Evaluate Sales Candidates

Many companies offer psychometric testing. These range from personality tests to verbal communication demonstrations. The goal of all of these tests are the same. They are trying to identify the most important personality characteristics required for a job or task. This can be complicated because the traits needed to succeed, like attitude or intelligence, are difficult to quantify. Measurements like strength or endurance are easy to measure in athletes, but in salespeople the practice can be much trickier. It takes a well-designed test to accurately assess the best sales candidates. Desired Qualities in Salespeople Why does personality testing work so
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