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Sales Interviewing & Hiring

How to Attract the Best Salespeople [Video]

Hiring high-performance salespeople can be very difficult, and not to mention competitive. After all, less than 20% of the general population is high in Drive – the personality trait shared by successful hunter salespeople. Drive is made up of three non-teachable personality traits. Your candidate either has these traits or he/she doesn’t, and testing for these traits, prior to hiring, will save you both time and money. Need for Achievement: The intense desire to attain excellence & accomplish challenging goals. Competitiveness: The unquenchable thirst to outperform one’s peers & win the customer over to his point of view. Optimism: The
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Sales Assessments

3 Key Traits of Top Performing Salespeople [Video]

Underperforming salespeople are perhaps the greatest cause of frustration and financial loss to sales executives and business owners. The cost of hiring and keeping a bad salesperson can easily range from $50,000 to millions of dollars annually, depending on the industry. To make matters worse, many companies waste money by trying to train salespeople who do not have the core personality needed to succeed in sales. Research shows that the most important factor for success in sales is a person’s Drive – the inner fire that ultimately determines if he or she will thrive or fail. Identifying Drive during the
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magnetic attracting business people
Sales Interviewing & Hiring

9 Ways Employers Can Use Incentives to Attract Top Salespeople

Have you made job offers to highly qualified sales candidates, only to hear that they took a job with another employer? What does the other company have that yours does not? How can you turn the tables and become the employer of choice? Exhibiting a strong, positive company identity is essential to attracting those high-Drive candidates. Providing competitive incentives is one of the top ways companies can separate themselves from the competition. As part of a comprehensive recruiting strategy that focuses on establishing a meaningful employer brand, incentives can greatly increase the number of qualified salespeople that will seek employment
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How to Interview an Inexperienced Sales Candidate

Hiring managers often look for sales candidates who are fresh out of school and/or inexperienced in sales. A key benefit in doing so is finding a new recruit who has not developed bad habits and can learn the company’s sales process fresh. During the interview phase, it’s important to understand that the best predictor of future behavior is previous behavior. That’s why hiring managers use behavioral interview questions, which ask the candidate to provide several examples of his/her previous behavior in a variety of situations. But how do you use behavioral questions when you interview an inexperienced sales candidate? How
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How to Hire a Salesperson for a Vacant Territory

One of the most frustrating challenges that hiring managers face is how to hire a salesperson for a vacant territory. The loss of revenue and opportunity costs can make the temptation almost overwhelming to quickly fill the territory with the first candidate they can find. However, although settling for just any salesperson may relieve some of their anxiety in the short term, it will inevitably cause even greater problems down the road. How to Hire a Salesperson for a Vacant Territory was last modified: November 6th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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How Important is Talent Acquisition in Building a Sales Team?

It starts with talent. Talent acquisition is the single, most important element of building a world class sales team, period. Without talent and the right personality, the best training and management cannot create miracles. All sports teams know that they can only go so far without great athletes. Yet you would be surprised how many companies settle for mediocre talent. Why?  How Important is Talent Acquisition in Building a Sales Team? was last modified: October 30th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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