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Sales Assessments

Sales Aptitude Test: Why Your Company Needs One to Succeed

Your sales team is the lifeblood of your company − lifeblood that is made up of every single member of your sales team, from the long-standing head of sales, to the new guy on his first day. So, as a Sales Director, it is crucial that your sales team is strong and delivers impressive results. Without a stellar sales team, your company may fall flat. But, as you know, building a successful sales team comes with many challenges. One such challenge is ensuring your current sales team is working at peak productivity at all times. Another challenge is ensuring that
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Can Introverts Sell?

What do you imagine when you think of the word “introvert”? Did you picture a salesman? Most imagine a wallflower, someone who speaks when spoken to, possibly avoiding eye contact with a gaze fixed upon the ground. Yet introverts flourish in sales all the time. The key is to understand that being introverted is not the same as being shy. It is similar to the well-known square/rectangle classification: shy people may be introverts, but introverts are not necessarily shy. Just take a look at the difference between the traits of each. Can Introverts Sell? was last modified: January 20th, 2015
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6 Reasons Why So Many Bad Salespeople Get Hired

Every company tries its best to recruit, interview and vet salespeople before hiring them. But way too many bad salespeople still get through, jump on the payroll and do not produce. As Seinfeld might say, “What’s up with that?” It is all too common to hire bad salespeople. Unfortunately, this is more than just a hassle. The time spent training and working with incompetent salespeople costs your company money. Bad salespeople can also tank the productivity of others, and the good members of your team may have to teach these bad salespeople how to perform better. Since many of these bad
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How to Hire a Salesperson for a Vacant Territory

One of the most frustrating challenges that hiring managers face is how to hire a salesperson for a vacant territory. The loss of revenue and opportunity costs can make the temptation almost overwhelming to quickly fill the territory with the first candidate they can find. However, although settling for just any salesperson may relieve some of their anxiety in the short term, it will inevitably cause even greater problems down the road. How to Hire a Salesperson for a Vacant Territory was last modified: November 6th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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How Important is Talent Acquisition in Building a Sales Team?

It starts with talent. Talent acquisition is the single, most important element of building a world class sales team, period. Without talent and the right personality, the best training and management cannot create miracles. All sports teams know that they can only go so far without great athletes. Yet you would be surprised how many companies settle for mediocre talent. Why?  How Important is Talent Acquisition in Building a Sales Team? was last modified: October 30th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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When is the Best Time to Use a Sales Test During the Hiring Process?

Hiring managers frequently ask “When is the best time to use a sales test during the hiring process?”  Some managers are initially inclined to wait until the very end, after they have “fallen in love” with the candidate, and hope the test reinforces their opinion. However, waiting too long to administer a sales test to a candidate carries a big risk . . . the longer we wait to test a candidate’s underlying personality traits, the more we risk wasting time with a candidate more motivated to get the job than to do the job. Many candidates are clever and
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