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Salespeople Who CAN Sell vs. Those Who WILL Sell

It’s a million dollar difference. There are many salespeople who can sell. They have the intelligence, the wits and the charisma. But there are far, far less salespeople who will sell, in a sustained way, over time. The difference? Drive. Salespeople Who CAN Sell vs. Those Who WILL Sell was last modified: September 18th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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2 Sales Hiring Tools Every Sales Manager Needs

Drive manifests itself in many different ways. Some highly Driven people have big personalities and are virtually bursting out of their skin with energy and ideas. But high levels of Drive can also be found in quieter people who are less assuming, who have underneath a burning Need for Achievement and are ferociously Competitive. Hiring new personalities can be incredibly stressful. We all know that many salespeople will try to work a fake swagger – those salespeople that will look for a job but are not looking to actually work hard. How can you weed those all talk, low-Drive candidates
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Why is Need for Achievement so Important in Sales?

In our hiring recommendations to sales managers, we stress the importance of sizing up candidates relative to all three elements of Drive: Need for Achievement Competitiveness Optimism Learn why a high Need for Achievement is especially crucial during the vetting process and can mean the difference between having a banner sales year or a headache of a candidate on your hands. Why is Need for Achievement so Important in Sales? was last modified: August 15th, 2013 by SalesDrive, LLC
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When is the Best Time to Use Sales Testing in the Recruitment Process?

Testing is used by a variety of industries to vet initial prospects before a formal interview process begins. Highly technical fields may require a proficiency test that includes knowledge of theory and application. Other candidates in fields that involve significant hands on work may require dexterity testing. Sales fields rely on psychological sales assessment tests to determine if sales candidates have the necessary personality traits needed for success in sales. Administer a Sales Assessment Early in the Hiring Process The most effective time to implement a sales assessment test is after a resume review and an initial phone screen, but
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Sales Rep Answering Fly on the Wall Interview Question
Sales Interviewing & Hiring

Why We Love the “Fly on the Wall” Interview Question

How One Interview Question Can Give You a Unique Point of View When interviewing a sales candidate for your next position, there is one question you will want to add to your list of interview queries. It allows you to understand how a candidate reacts in real-life situations. Does he or she get stressed easily? Does he respond with anger or take time to put situations in perspective? Is he a team player? There is one specific interview question that can answer all of these sub-queries and more.   The Lead-In Sales Interview Question When conducting an interview, you likely
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