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motivated sales team
Sales Management

How to Motivate Your Sales Team

Salespeople tend to have a reputation for being confident and bold, with big personalities. Managers sometimes approach sales teams with apprehension because they assume people with big personalities will be difficult to work with, but that is not usually the case. While it is true that many salespeople tend to be bold and confident, it is important to recognize that the characteristics necessary for success in sales can appear on sales aptitude test results for introverted candidates as well as extroverted candidates. From a management perspective, there is not one perfect formula for motivating sales teams, but there are several
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How to Coach Your Sales Reps to Success
Sales Management

Top 5 Ways to Coach Your Reps to Become Sales Superstars

Being an effective leader is one of the top ways to boost your sales. The better you are at leading your team, the better your team will be. Oftentimes, when your sales are sinking, you can trace it back to the lack of management and poor coaching skills. In order to avoid dealing with sinking sales, it is best to stay on top of coaching your sales reps. However, we recognize that this may not be as easy as it sounds. In fact, the daunting task of coaching your sales team is what has led to this staggering fact: according
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salespeople sleeping through training
Sales Training

4 Unexpected Reasons Your Sales Training is Putting Your Salespeople to Sleep

Having a well-trained sales team is integral to the success of your company, and thus should be a major focus of your work. Unfortunately, sometimes your efforts are not fruitful and you find your sales team not reaching their full potential. If you have noticed a dip in your team’s performance lately, it could be because your sales training is ineffective or even…downright boring. And there is nothing worse than trying to train a group of individuals who do not connect with your training strategies. How You May Be Leading Your Sales Team to Count Sheep Instead of Sales In
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The Sales Manager’s Guide to Motivating a Sales Team

If you have ever worked as a salesperson, you know firsthand how demanding the job is. You are constantly under pressure to achieve top sales results, and you cannot afford to slack off at work and miss out on commission. That is why it is so important for sales managers to motivate their salespeople and help them stay focused. If you are not currently taking steps to motivate your team, they could end up with poor morale and decreased sales as a result. Unsure of the best ways to motivate your salespeople? Keep reading to discover 6 strategies you can
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Drive is Not the Same as Obnoxious

Drive is a critical component of a successful salesperson’s personality mix. Drive is what internally pushes her to succeed. Drive is what causes her to love to compete. Drive is an internal element that generates innate optimism in a profession in which rejection is part of the program.And Drive cannot be taught  . . . despite what motivational speakers would like you to believe. Salespeople need to start out with Drive, and then training can really have an impact. Drive is Not the Same as Obnoxious was last modified: October 16th, 2014 by SalesDrive, LLC
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Why is Optimism so Important to Sustained Sales Success and Why Can’t it be Taught?

Optimism is critical to sustained sales success for two reasons: Most sales calls are rejected. Rejection, when personalized, can lead to depression and diminished performance. Salespeople who are high in innate optimism do not personalize rejection. Like strikeouts in baseball or missed shots in basketball, they see it as part of the game and do not expect to get a hit every time. In other words their optimism protects them and allows them to put their job in a healthy perspective. Knowing that sales is a numbers game that includes both hits and misses, optimists see a miss as simply getting
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