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Interviewing Salespeople? Avoid Making These 7 Common Mistakes

As a sales manager, you likely already know that bad hiring decisions can negatively affect your team’s morale and your career. But did you know that those decisions can also be incredibly costly? It is true. One CareerBuilder survey of various companies showed that 41% reported losing at least $25,000 due to a bad hiring decision. The same survey showed that 25% of companies reported losing over $50,000. That is a lot of money to throw away, especially when there are simple steps you can take to prevent costly hiring decisions. So if you have dealt with many bad hires,
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7 Tips to Avoid Micromanaging Your Salespeople

As a sales manager, you know that the success of your team largely hinges on your effectiveness as a leader. And to be an effective sales manager, you need visibility into what you team is achieving. However, some sales managers take their need for visibility too far and start micromanaging. This ineffective management practice often makes their team become resentful, hindering them from selling to the best of their ability. Are you guilty of micromanaging your team? If so, it is important for you to learn how to stop micromanaging and start leading your team in a way that inspires
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8 Common Ways Sales Managers Lead Their Team to Failure

Did you know that your effectiveness as a sales manager could determine the success of your team? It is true. So, if you have noticed that your sales team is not performing at the level you would like, consider that your management style could be a contributing factor, or even the root of the problem. Even if you have the best intentions, the following 8 sales management mistakes could have devastating effects on your salespeople. Take a look at each mistake and analyze your performance as a manager to determine where you can improve. Learn from Your Sales Management Mistakes
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Sales Managers: Avoid These 11 Common Onboarding Mistakes

Employee turnover in sales is overwhelmingly common and expensive. For your company to be successful, it is critical to invest time and money in acquiring and keeping the right people. Giving new hires a strong start at your company with a well-conceived onboarding plan will help you hang on to the great salespeople you fight so hard to attract. The first few months of a new salesperson’s time at a new company are inherently overwhelming, but it is also when employees are at their most malleable. Set your new hires up for success with structured onboarding and training to help
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