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Personality Test Versus Sales Assessment
Sales Assessments

How to Choose Between Personality Tests and Sales Assessments

Finding good salespeople is one of the biggest challenges that sales VPs face today. Most sales managers find themselves stuck in a never-ending quest to hire quality salespeople that will help grow the company to new levels. And, as you gain more hiring experience, chances are you are learning that the standard resume review/interview routine just is not enough to truly determine the quality of your sales candidates. While a potential hire may look great on paper, and seem promising in the interview, hiring on intuition alone is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in building your sales
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How Could My Experienced Candidate Score Low on Drive?

You’ve administered a sales assessment to your top candidate. She has an impressive resume and track record of success, but the assessment measured her low on Drive. What went wrong? Should you still move her into the next round of the hiring process? Should you sacrifice Drive for highly experienced? As hiring managers, it is often tempting to assume that a candidate with substantial sales experience will score high on a sales assessment test that measures Drive. However, it is not uncommon for candidates with seemingly extensive resumes to record lower than expected Drive scores. Before ignoring the results of
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2 Sales Hiring Tools Every Sales Manager Needs

Drive manifests itself in many different ways. Some highly Driven people have big personalities and are virtually bursting out of their skin with energy and ideas. But high levels of Drive can also be found in quieter people who are less assuming, who have underneath a burning Need for Achievement and are ferociously Competitive. Hiring new personalities can be incredibly stressful. We all know that many salespeople will try to work a fake swagger – those salespeople that will look for a job but are not looking to actually work hard. How can you weed those all talk, low-Drive candidates
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