The 3 Most Effective Financial Sales Marketing Strategies

In financial sales, it is important to be sure to be reaching your ideal client and customer to help generate more sales. Having the right sales marketing strategy will point you in the right direction to capture high-quality leads.

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Developing A Financial Sales Marketing Strategy

When it becomes time to develop a sales strategy plan, it is important to take a look at your business and identify what your goals are. Your sales team should be able to identify your target market, as well as new and emerging markets your business is looking to target in future years. Once you have an understanding of your target market, it is time to evaluate what resources you have available, in addition to assessing your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Gathering this information will help you to form a solid financial services sales plan.

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1. Outreach to Your Customers

Reaching out and connecting to your current customers is one of the oldest tricks in the book, so why do we mention it here? Customer outreach can be easily overlooked. While some may see customer outreach as ineffective use of time, with the proper financial salesperson, it can truly be an investment in your overall sales strategy.

Building up the client and business connection can help you to improve brand awareness and increase your business reputation in the financial services industry. Examples of outreach to your customers can include online training, sending them useful information to help their business or simply wishing them a Happy Birthday. Take the opportunity to connect with your customers by offering value-added services and include a survey or follow-up at the end. A financial sales manager with great sales skills will be able to help increase awareness and encourage your current customers to share your business services and more.

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2. Develop a Social Media Strategy

Social media is a sales and marketing strategy that is not going away anytime soon. Take advantage of this service and use it to reach out to potential high-quality leads. Social media is truly a financial marketing strategy that is worth the investment. Examples of great social media platforms to use in the financial industry include LinkedIn and Facebook. To use your social media accounts properly, work to situate your brand as a thought-leader in the financial industry.

You can also use social media to recognize your current employees. Providing potential leads and current clients with information and stories from your brand will help to encourage the relationship between your financial sales team and the consumer. Putting time into your social media strategy will help to build trust, relationships, and awareness around your business — leading to more prospects to customers conversions.

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3. Cross-Selling to Your Current Clients

Another huge way to increase your financial sales marketing strategy is to develop a plan to look at your current clients and what products and services they are currently using, then use this information as an opportunity to cross-sell. Are there any gaps in services that your client could benefit from that they are not already using? Oftentimes your client may not realize that a service you offer is available to them. Set up time with your financial salesperson to develop an outreach plan to communicate all the services your business offers.

A sales skill that is beneficial for salespeople to master is taking the time to develop the relationship between their client and their business through active listening. This will help the salesperson to become more knowledgeable about their client’s goals and aspirations. Once your salesperson understands what the client is looking for, they can work to put together a plan that will benefit both your business and theirs. Clients enjoy knowing that you are thinking about them and taking this proactive approach will help your sales marketing strategy go further.

Are you still curious about what it takes to develop a great sales strategy? Learn more about hiring the right salespeople who exemplify the qualities of Drive. The SalesDrive team is here to help you hire the right salespeople with our online sales personality test.

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