Sales Tips & More

Unleashing the Primal Power of Sales Psychology to Build & Empower High-Performance Sales Teams

Mr. Shmooze’s Sales Tips

Mr. Shmooze is the parable of a man who reveals the secret shared by all superstar salespeople. Selling, in its most exquisite form, is not about “taking,” nor is it about “persuading.” Selling, believe it or not, is about “giving.”

Mr. Shmooze gives for a living. He starts by listening and he quickly comes to understand what people really need. His customers love him because he gives more than he takes. They trust him because he is passionate about their interests. And, at the end of the day, they reward him handsomely for bringing joy, humor and wisdom into their lives. 

And now, Mr. Shmooze gives you the new approach you need to sell like you’ve never sold before! Each week, Mr. Shmooze will be sharing a high-performance sales tip via email. These tips will be short but powerful, designed to help you take your sales production to the next level!

Below are the first two tips to give you a sense of what to expect.

Be sure to sign up below to start receiving a new tip each week to super-charge your sales! Happy Selling!

Sales Tip #1

What is the best opening line to use in a sales meeting?

“Name, before we begin, what is the most important thing you would like to make sure we cover today?”

This line shows respect for the buyer. It signals a discussion and buyers love the recognition and control. You will often hear something completely different than you expected, often times revealing a top pain point.

Sales Tip #2

What is the best closing line to use in a sales meeting?

“Name, if there is one thing I would like you to remember from today’s meeting, it is __________.” (insert a key statistic or differentiator) Example: “We have a 98% on-time delivery rate.”

Matching the closing with what you have learned is the hottest button.

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Sales Psyched!

Featured in Feedspot’s Top 15 Sales Development Podcasts, Sales Psyched! is a sales enhancement series presented by sales psychologist, Dr. Chris Croner. Dr. Croner discusses sales psychology techniques and strategies designed to boost your sales team’s performance.

There is a massive wealth of research identifying the hidden psychological skills necessary to be a world-class sales leader. Those who master these strategies consistently outperform their peers and crush their revenue goals. If you have struggled to get your team’s performance to the next level, it is likely because the flood of material online and in bookstores makes it almost impossible to eliminate the fiction and fads and find what really works. Most sales leaders crave this information but do not have time to obtain an advanced degree in psychology to evaluate it critically.

Unlike any other program, you will have exclusive access to a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology who has spent his career helping more than 1,500 companies hire and develop high-performing sales talent. You will learn the best available sales strategies to boost performance through brief lessons (3-5 minutes) you can implement immediately.

2 Ways to Consume Sales Psyched!

1. Podcast

For more information on The Sales Psyched! Podcast and to listen to our episodes, please visit:

We know you are busy so we have kept our episodes intentionally short.

2. YouTube Channel

If you prefer video content, check out the Sales Psyched! playlist on the SalesDrive YouTube Channel.

Here you will find our episodes in a visual format. Subscribe and be sure to click the bell icon to enable notifications to stay up-to-date on the latest in the psychology of sales.

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